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Spadina Literary Review  —  edition 15 page 25


The Elements

by Megha Bajaj

Do you know how I look
When I think of you my God?
I resemble the moon
Lost in its dreams, unaware even of
The Sky.

Do you know how I look
When I wait for you my God?
I resemble the falling silver raindrop
Eager to meet its lover,
The Earth.

Do you know how I look,
When I laugh with you my God?
I resemble the blue waves
Jumping, dancing, emerging from, merging with
The Sea.

Do you know how I look
When I surrender to you my God?
I resemble the tiny blade of grass
That opens its little self for
The storm.

Do you know how I look
When I end and you begin my God?
I resemble the orange-yellow flames
That jump in ecstasy, knowing, growing, melting within
The fire.