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Spadina Literary Review  —  edition 15 page 21


GO Train Rain

by Bodi Canto

I love to take the train in the rain
and sit by the window and watch
the world awash with rain
as I ride by

the swollen rivers and creeks
sodden earth sagging trees
drenched deserted golf courses
nature soaks this downpour up
nature wants it bad today

I’m talking about the commuter train
I love to ride it in the rain
and sit in the upper level dry as a king
passing by

people at stations hiding under shelters
traffic snarled with wipers beating
torrents of run-off sliding down the asphalt
all manner of misery beneath the pelting
rapid-fire rain

I’m talking about riding the GO train
like a king at the window watching
fields and buildings and malls in the rain
sinking behind

I'm talking about clusters of grid-face buildings
rising into the rain and from where I sit
I can still exactly pinpoint
the floor and window and balcony
the place where you lived