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Spadina Literary Review  —  edition 6 page 02


What the heroine’s friend said to the hero,
requesting him to marry the heroine

by Ammoovanār
(translated from Tamil by Vaidehi Herbert)

O man from the land where water
from the widespread ocean sprays
on the shores, and birds reside on old
punnai trees, their big, bent,
dark branches filled with delicate new
buds that look like schools of fish!
She with her waterlily-like, kohl-lined
eyes cries in sorrow
since you are thinking about leaving her.

Lord! Do a good thing! Take her along
when you go and
make her yours! Her beauty is like that
of the bright and flourishing Thondi town
where eastern winds and splashing waves
bring sand to the shores, and fishermen
with old boats and new nets share
beached fish with horns
with those in their aroma-filled settlement.