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Spadina Literary Review  —  edition 22 page 12


kids watch miniature train


by Giusi Rotondo

“Martha, I wish I were an invisible flying creature to snoop into Greg’s life just to see whether he is happy, successful or if he remembers our first year at primary school.”

“Do you really, Lisa? Well, I don’t have such a strong tie with my school days. Just a few people I remember. Some of them are still my friends.”

“No intense love stories?” I asked Martha while sipping my aromatic espresso.

“No, nothing like that.” Martha had a beautiful cheery smile.

“Nor me. But my friendship with Greg is something I can never forget.” I was nervously twirling the teaspoon in my hands.

“What was Greg like?”

“He was a handsome six-year-old child, with a full wave of brown hair and eyes as shiny as the sun. Slender, average build, and translucent skin; what I remember is his beautiful wide smile, which struck me because it seemed to wrap me in a warm embrace.”


“During the entire time we spent together there was never any childish animosity between us. We would spend hours talking and exchanging immaculate kisses, to the point of undermining our conduct grades.”

“In primary school. Wow.”

“My teacher used to be desperate with us.” I noticed a colour of sadness in my voice. “She had to split us up in class as we were inseparable and we would die from extended giggling fits. We wanted to have fun and therefore couldn't focus on learning at school. We hardly considered the other children. Our teacher saw this bond as being unhealthy. We probably did make the others feel uncomfortable because they didn't share our joy and passion.”

“It sounds great, Lisa; I can just imagine you as a tiny thing all dusted with freckles. Why don’t you look for him on Facebook? I have found many people from my past.” Martha looked at me with questioning eyes.

“Sure, that’s a good idea.”
