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Spadina Literary Review  —  edition 19 page 12


Besides the Common Emptiness

by D.S. Martin

  • Besides the common
  • in us all
  • either from the double helix
  • of my genes before
  • canal or more likely
  • through childhood
  • by tides like
  • secretly creating
  • beneath
  • before the sink-hole
  • The hollow holds
  • a greater-than-normal
  • to the full measure
  • & so  in me
  • that burns with unquenchable
  • emptiness born
  • I have another of my own
  • of my DNA  the code
  • I burst from the birth
  • one slowly grown
  • like a sea cave  worn
  • the washed-out earth
  • a cavity
  • the road
  • swallows an SUV
  • a hunger  a desire
  • susceptibility
  • of your worth
  • there's a fire
  • love & loyalty