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Spadina Literary Review  —  edition 7 page 04


“Hi Honey, I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay. Your dad and I were worried about you.”

“Mum, I’m fine, really. I’ve had some time now to think about it and it’s all for the best. I’ve moved on. I have.”

“Oh, that’s good honey. It’s just that you were so upset on Thursday night. I know how much you cared for Jimmy. I guess you haven’t heard anything more from him?”

“No of course not, Mum. He made it pretty clear that we are done. He’s probably moved in with the new girlfriend already. I know you and dad never really approved of him so you should be delighted,” she said sarcastically.

“Nonsense, Laura, our opinion is just that, our opinion. You were the one going out with him. We just want you to be happy. You are a special young woman and you will meet so many men who will recognize your amazing qualities. Jimmy was just a lesson for you to learn. Actors, what can I say? It’s almost Christmas and you’ll be home for the holidays. Your life is just beginning. Trust me sweetie, you will be absolutely fine.”

“Of course I will, Mother,” Laura rolled her eyes. “Look, I have a ton of prep work to do. I’ve got a math paper due on Monday so I need to get cracking. Don’t worry about me. I know I was a little hysterical the other night but I’m so over it.”

“Well, okay dear, if you’re sure you’re all right,” her mother said, sounding a little too relieved too quickly.

“I am, Mum,” said Laura, closing her eyes tight.

“Your dad says hi. He’s just running out the door. It’s his big golf tournament today. I’ll call you during the week. Hope your assignment goes well. I really should run too, I have to meet your Aunt Helen in an hour. We’re going to a new jazz dance class at the club. Then, the Parkers next door are coming over for dinner tonight and I’m making my famous shrimp dish. Well, of course, Consuela is making it but I’m passing it off as mine. I pay her, so it’s the same thing, right? Oh, did I tell you I’ve been made treasurer of the St. Michael’s Charity Ball. You will come home for that, won’t you Laura? We’ll have to get you a new dress…”

Laura held the phone away from her ear listening to her mother drone on and on and then, when it stopped, she spoke into the phone again. “Okay, Mum, gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye-bye.”

Laura pushed “end call” and sat there staring at the corkboard. Tears formed, and rolled gently down her cheeks. They will never understand what I am feeling. No one can understand. The pain was insurmountable. Laura went to the door and unlocked it. She had asked Francie, her study buddy, to come by later that night. Laura wanted to be found but not till it was over. Sorry, Francie, but I don’t want to lie here alone for days.
