Spadina Literary Review


(prior to february 2018)
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issue #22 december 2017

Commuter folly, slum society, and other stories · Memoir of a Cuban turista · How to gaze at the moon, + verse + more
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issue #21 october 2017

A call from Mali, animal haiku, loads of comics including Legends of Ben, The Holy Ankh, + much more
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issue #20 august 2017

Fabulous selection of verse & short fiction · Memoirs of a tree-climber · Legends of Ben comics · Mookie conclusion
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issue #19 june 2017

Mookie the shop boy · How a robo sales rep makes its quota · Vito's Revenge finale ·
+ much more
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issue #18 april 2017

Steampunk · A big storm · Foggy feelings at London's National Gallery · A bar date who counts to a billion
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issue #17 february 2017

An I.T. guy morphs into a catnapper · A hood entrusts a secret mission to a nurse ·
+ more
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issue #16 december 2016

A wrestler's notes · How Tanner Blakely quit this vale of woes · A tentative couple kidnaps a turtle
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issue #15 october 2016

An alumni fund hires a private eye to pursue an obnoxious non-donor · A traveler finds her lost dad in Montmartre
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issue #14 august 2016

Gavrilo Princip grabs a bite · A daughter seeks her lost dad · Beemaggedon · Haiku Rebel
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issue #13 june 2016

A Birkenau tale · Murat Germen's twisted cities · The Haiku Rebel · Dracuveloper
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issue #12 april 2016

A dangerous trip to El Salvador · Dror Bar-Natan, nemesis of the citizenship oath · The Haiku Rebel
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issue #11 december 2015

Ayaan Hirsi Ali attacks the Koran · Kim Echlin's Inanna revives a sex star of cuneiform days
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issue #10 august 2015

Car-dependent councillors splurge on the Gardiner · A frazzled gal experiences a weird streak · This poet says Je suis Charlie
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issue #9 april 2015

Andrew Keen's The Internet is Not the Answer · Hungary 1956 · Pirates and Monsters Minigolf · Captain Floopbasher
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issue #8 december 2014

A midnight swim · A model railroad disaster · The animals and us · Dracuveloper · And more
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issue #7 august 2014

The cure for love · Spadina Circle gets a remake · Spring cleaning · North Korean defector tales · And more
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issue #6 march 2014

A surprise party · Octave Crémazie's war journal · Ammoovanār · Jason Tetro says germs are our friends
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issue #5 september 2013

The CK-1 effect · Latest news on Oliver Goldsmith's Albert and Flora · The Great Chinese Famine · And more
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issue #4 may 2013

Tekahionwake's bad hair day · Economics advice from Simon Stylites · Tom Holland's islamo-trashist Shadow of the Sword
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issue #3 december 2012

Brad Superkool checks his lottery ticket · The pathetic case of Emile Nelligan · Straphanger, Taras Grescoe's anti-car travelog