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Spadina Literary Review

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Issue #23 February 2018

Thanks for visiting the Spadina Literary Review.

Here's a bit of background on some of the contributors to this issue:

  • Jerrice J. Baptiste ("Creole Ocean") has authored eight children's books available at Her Haitian Creole poetry is featured on Many Hands: Family Music for Haiti from Spare the Rock Records.
  • Jeff Dupuis ("As the Tail-lights Disappear") lives in Toronto. His first novel Roanoke Ridge is available from Found Press. Go to Jeff's site at
  • Jonathan B. Ferrini ("The Final Watch") is a motion picture and television arts grad living in San Diego.
  • Jack D. Harvey ("The Carriage of Love") lives near Albany, NY. His novel Mark the Dwarf is available thru Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
  • Elga Mannik ("Istanbul") is the Europe-based associate editor of the Spadina Literary Review.
  • Terry McDermott ("The Subject") lives in Vancouver. His work explores mental health issues. Terry has published a chapbook, Sing the Hymn: Elegy to a Bottle, and you can visit Terry at
  • Brendan McHale (Cover art) lives in Toronto. See more of Brendan's work at
  • Alex Nodopaka (photo art for "Mood Swings") is a Kyiv-born photographic artist currently basking in Southern California. Go to flickr for some more of Alex's work.
  • John Peacock ("Legends of Ben" and "Waaaaaaaaater") is an actor, writer, and artist based in Colorado.
  • Innokenty Slanevsky ("The Immortal Picture") lives in the Novgorod region of Russia, works as a neurologist, and writes stories that mix political satire with fantasy. His book Political Phantasmagoria is available on Amazon.
  • Marieke Steiner ("No In-between") works as a technical writer and calls Hampton Roads, Virginia, home.
  • Ajay Tulsiani ("Mood Swings") lives in Mumbai but travels to Mars (so he says) to research his planned "space opera novel." Check out Ajay's poetry at
  • Ana Hoy Uribe ("That One Song") is up from her hometown Bogotá, Colombia, to study journalism in Everett, Washington State.
  • Megan Wildhood ("Time") lives in Seattle. Her chapbook Long Division was released this past September. Visit Megan's site at
